2024 Clarinet Mentors Personal Clarinet Tranformation Application
Your 6 Month Personal Clarinet Transformation
Please fill out the application form below if you are interested in this powerful, personalized, clarinet program to help you transform your clarinet playing this year.
Would you like to play your clarinet more beautifully, in the shortest time possible? Michelle is accepting 8 people who are committed to sounding their best, playing regularly and being coached individually one-on-one for 6 months in the Personal Clarinet Transformation Program. This program will give you all of the support you need to improve much faster, and have someone available to help whenever you get stuck. The Personal Clarinet Transformation Program includes:
What you get in the 6-Month Personal Clarinet Transformation Program:
1. 10 One-on-One Clarinet Transformation Coaching Sessions with Michelle Anderson, Founder of Clarinet Mentors (value $1500)
These will be 45-minute, individual online sessions where Michelle will give you the tools and resources to go from how you play now, to a much higher level of clarinet skill and confidence. Each of these Zoom lessons will be recorded either on your own computer, or uploaded into your personal membership area. Each lesson will have a focus, and you will receive “homework” between lessons to help you achieve your Clarinet Dream Goals. (This amounts to a personal lesson about every 2.5 weeks. However, there is scheduling flexibility if you have a holiday, or if you need to cluster a couple of lessons closer together during this program.)
2. Your Own 6-Month Personal Clarinet Transformation "Ask Michelle Anything" Interactive Video Link (value $600)
Michelle will give you a very easy to use link that allows you to ask any question via video, text or voice message. She will give you priority response, usually within 24 hours. You can play your clarinet for feedback between lessons, or ask for any clarification on your homework. Occasionally, Michelle may assign brief homework for you to make a short video between lessons.
3. Access to two Clarinet Mentors online Training Courses that best support your clarinet goals (value up to $400)
To further support your Personal Clarinet Transformation, you will be granted access to some self-study Clarinet Mentors online courses which can include two of the following: Better Clarinet Tone, Better Clarinet Articulation, Faster Clarinet Fingers, Mastering Clarinet High Notes, The Healthy Clarinetist, Clarinet Is Easy, The Easy Rhythm Method, or 12 months of the Mastering Clarinet Music Club.