Jun 2017 - Are you "stuck" in your clarinet playing? Check out these 5 Clarinet Disrupters!

In This Issue
June 23, 2017
- A Note From Michelle Anderson - Look for me at ClarinetFest 2017 in one month
- Free Training - Clarinet Disrupters! - Do you get "stuck" in your clarinet and have things that just don't improve? Try these five Clarinet Disrupters to breakthrough...
- Michelle Recommends - Amateur Adult Masterclass at ClarinetFest 2017 - I'll be there! Come and learn with me in this interactive session on July 26th in Orlando
- Further Clarinet Training - Michelle's step-by-step clarinet courses all designed to help you learn much faster and play more easily - sample videos for you now
Hello From Michelle Anderson
Hello !
Welcome to the Clarinet Mentors newsletter, and I thank you for being a part of this wonderful, worldwide, community of enthusiastic clarinetists. It is very exciting to be part of a group of thousands of clarinetist from around the world, who all enjoy making music.
I am the middle of the UBC Opera collaboration with the Vancouver Opera Orchestra in a production of Ariadne auf Naxos - Strauss. It is beautiful music, and I get to play some lovely bass clarinet parts too. (Thanks to Morrie Backun who did an emergency repair for me after my bass clarinet cracked at our first rehearsal. Every clarinetist should be lucky enough to have a world-class clarinet master in their own city!) Have you ever had a major instrument malfunction during an event? Luckily it was only a rehearsal, and since some notes were working, I was able to quickly rearrange octaves to do a somewhat reasonable facsimile of what I should have been doing. A crack is hard to fix in rehearsal, but I do always carry rubber bands (for broken springs), teflon tape (for corks that don't work), and screwdrivers in my case so that I can get through in case of emergency. Luckily, all instruments seem to be working now, and I am really enjoying this lush orchestration.
I am excited to be leading an Amateur Adult Masterclass at ClarinetFest 2017 in Orlando on July 26th. Everyone can participate in this, and I would love to meet you there. See details below.
I'm looking forward to some family holidays in the next month, and then playing La Boheme with Opera Kelowna in August. Meanwhile, I've been working hard to create some great new content for the Mastering Clarinet Music Club (If you missed this in my last newsletter, you can get some free music and video lessons here:
Thanks for being part of this community, and I look forward to the chance to meet you either in person, or live "via computer" at one of our Clarinet Mentors Live Trainings sometime soon.
Free Training: Clarinet Disrupters!

Do you ever feel "stuck" in your clarinet playing?
Does the same problem come back time and time again?
This could be a broad issue, such as certain finger leaps never work, or high notes always sound pinched. It could be very specific, such as "Bar 135 works when I practise it at home, but every time that we play it in rehearsal, I mess up.". We all get stuck. You need a new way to approach these things to radically shake up those old patterns. Have faith! You can move beyond these things.
This Clarinet Mentors Free Training video focuses on five Clarinet Disrupters. These are ways to disrupt old patterns that our deeply embedded into our brains.
After more than 30 years of teaching people of all ages, I am more and more convinced that nobody can breakthrough their barriers without being aware of how to shake up established brain patterns and move beyond our "stuck" points. Sure, we need to work on physical skills, but if you've been doing that and the problems persist, my guess is that you haven't been exercising your brain properly.
Try these technics - seriously - I can't recommend this highly enough if you are serious about taking your clarinet playing to the next level. Tell me how it goes, and I'd love to hear about any Clarinet Disrupters that you use.
Michelle Recommends - ​​​​​​​Amateur Adult Masterclass (with me) at ClarinetFest 2017 - Join me in Orlando July 26th!

I am very excited to be leading an Amateur Adult Clarinet Masterclass at ClarinetFest 2017, on July 26th, in Orlando. ClarinetFest is an annual event that takes place in a different location every summer, and has been hosted in many countries. This summer, it is in Orlando, Florida. During the 5-day festival, there are many recitals, competitions, masterclasses, lectures, workshops, huge clarinet display areas, and gala evening concerts. There is also a clarinet choir that participants of all levels can play in. You might really enjoy it!
During my Amateur Adult Clarinet Masterclass, I have five volunteers who will having a mini lesson with me. However, unlike most masterclasses, this is a full participation event. As I provide recommendations to the featured clarinetists, I will be demonstrating some clarinet technics that everyone in the room can try. My vision is to have everyone in the room with a clarinet in hand, and we'll alternate between our featured soloists, and working on skills as a group.
To attend the event, you either need to register for the conference for that day, or for the entire event. I would love to meet you in person!
(PS - the photo above features some of the amazing clarinetists who joined me for a series of masterclasses and other events at the Backun International Clarinet Competition in Nashville in March. Some of those clarinetists will be in Orlando too!)
Thanks for being a part of my clarinet community!
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