Nov 2016 - 10 Clarinet Questions Answered for You

10 Clarinet Questions Answered for You

Sent Monday, November 21, 2016

Clarinet Mentors
For clarinetists who want to perform more easily and beautifully
In This Issue                  
November 21, 2016                      
  • A Note From Michelle Anderson - Concerts and Clarinet Gym T-shirts
  • Free Training - 10 of Your Clarinet Questions Answered - Clarinet advice based upon 10 questions from our recent worldwide live clarinet online event
  • Michelle Recommends - Clarinet Mentors Live Event - experience the power of this amazing live, learning experience
  • Clarinet Gym T-Shirts - You've seen them in the YouTube videos. Now, you can look impressive wearing one too!
  • Further Clarinet Training - Michelle's step-by-step clarinet courses all designed to help you learn much faster and play more easily

Hello From Michelle Anderson
Hello  !
Thanks for being a part of the Clarinet Mentors worldwide community. In today's newsletter, you will find answers to 10 questions from clarinetists like yourself, as well as details on an amazing live event that I invite you to attend in March. By popular request, I have uploaded the Clarinet Gym design to a T-shirt store so that you can order your own. Just think how impressed your friends and colleagues will be when they see you in this swell new T-Shirt! You can also leave details wear gift givers will find them. (See details below.)
I have many concerts that I am enjoying preparing for at this time of year. They include a performance with the Three Chinese Tenors, two Christmas concerts, and a wind ensemble concert. This pretty well means concerts every weekend for the next month. 'Tis the season...
If you are not part of a group yourself, I highly recommend that you look for a community band near you. Playing music with other people is one of the best motivators that we have. If not, you can join in on some of the Clarinet Mentors live events, either in person, or from your computer.
I hope you are enjoying your clarinet, wherever in the world you are!

Free Training: 10 Clarinet Questions Answered
Recently, I hosted a live online event for the entire Clarinet Mentors community. We had over 80 people from over 15 countries all online and interacting together. It was awesome! I will definitely schedule another one soon.
I realized after we finished, that there were many questions asked that I did not get to. In fact, there were enough for a few videos. I put the first 10 into today's video for you. Here are the questions that I am answering. (If you were part of this masterclass, your question may be here.) I've also put links to other videos that are related to these questions if you want more details after watching today's video.
0:29 I have recently started having an air leak on the sides of my mouth. What could be causing this?
2:35  How long should one use a particular reed? When is it time to change, and how do you know?  
Related videos: What strength of reed should you use:
What brand of reed should you use?
5:55  We know that we don't move or change our embouchure while playing. How about the throat? Is it OK to open or close the throat while playing?
8:30  About high notes, how do we play them softly? How do you get better tone while playing in the higher register in dynamics like forte or piano?
Related videos: Three great videos to improve high notes:
12:13 I always find myself having to force sound out of the upper register middle B key and/or sometimes no sound comes out, or I squeak. I have tried 4 clarinets this year, and all had that problem. Can you please help me?
17:55  I am self-taught and have difficulty with speed. I don't seem to be able to transfer the notes to fingering quickly enough.
22:11  Alternate F#/Gb fingerings
25:18  Is it OK to cut your own reed's tip when it is getting thinner?
For the answers, click on the photo below, or right here.

Michelle Recommends - Clarinet Mentors Live Event
details for Clarinet Mentors Live Event
I am very excited to announce that the very first live, in-person Clarinet Mentors event is happening in conjunction with the Backun International Clarinet Competition March 9 -11, 2017. We have been invited to host a special Clarinet Mentors event designed for you, the enthusiastic amateur clarinetist, AND we get access to all of the amazing events at the Backun International Clarinet Competition. It is like a 2-for-1 clarinet extravaganza!
When I reflect upon where I have learned the most in my life, it has usually been at intense live events like this. The summer musical programs for me (such as the Aspen Music Festival) which combined lessons, concerts and masterclasses probably accounted for about 80% of my "clarinet breakthroughs". All the months in between, where I had the odd lesson and worked on my own, made up the rest. These live events can really fast-track our progress. I want you to experience this power and have a clarinet breakthrough for yourself.
You can find out more about this event by clicking here. There is an early bird registration on now, and placements in the masterclass will be assigned to those who register first.
(Registration closed.)  Please click here for full details.
This event includes at least three full, live, Clarinet Mentors masterclasses, where participants get mini lessons with Michelle. There will be special clarinet ensembles led by Michelle, chances to try out incredible clarinet gear, and access to view a competition with some of the clarinet world's rising stars. There will also be some "fireside chats" with some of the world's greatest clarinet players.
The recitals are amazing and include world-class players such as David Shifrin, Ricardo Morales, Corrado Giufreddi, Bil Jackson and more. The concerts alone make this event worth attending!

Clarinet Gym T-Shirts - order yours now!
I have one Clarinet Gym shirt at home that I have worn in a couple of Clarinet Mentors Youtube videos. I have received a few emails from people asking how they can get one. Well, now you can. I have uploaded the design to a site that will mail and ship them directly to you. I haven't tried it before, but it has good reviews and looks good. There are many T-shirt colors, and also a hoodie option. You can find them at: I'll be ordering a couple of different colours shirts myself. You'll probably see them in upcoming videos.
This is your chance to show off that you and your clarinet work out together!

About Michelle Anderson
Michelle Anderson, the founder of Clarinet Mentors,  is a professional clarinetist and teacher who currently lives in Vancouver BC. Her professional career spans over 30 years and she currently plays regularly with the Vancouver Opera Orchestra, the Pacific Symphonic Wind Ensemble and the West Coast Chamber Music series. She has performed with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, the CBC Vancouver Orchestra, the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet Touring Orchestra and many other groups. Michelle currently specializes in teaching adults to play clarinet more easily and quickly through online resources, and conducts the Vancouver Clarinet Choir. Michelle is a Backun Musical Services Artist and plays on Backun clarinets and mouthpieces.
Michelle Anderson, Clarinet

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