Exclusive Opportunity: Would You Like To Dramatically Transform Your Clarinet Playing with a Highly-Trained Personal Mentor, so that You Sound Better, and Feel More Confident in the Shortest Time Possible?

Michelle is excited to open up her calendar to 8 committed clarinetists (all levels welcome) for your Personal Clarinet Transformation Program. This is an opportunity to transform your tone, boost your confidence and play the beautiful music you love while making it sound effortless (even though it’ll take a little effort to get you there... but your listeners will definitely thank you! :-)). Get to your next level of musical excellence and save dozens of hours of frustration with a custom-made 6-month program (to complete in 2024), designed just for you, that quickly shifts any of those bad habits (some you might not even be aware of) that make you sound less than your very best. Watch this video to discover how you can take part.

Book a Discovery Session Here To Apply For This Program

Imagine If You Could Transform All Of Your Clarinet Challenges Into Beautiful, Flowing, Music-Making...

  • Would you like to hear music that moves you coming out of your own clarinet, rather than just at concerts, or listening to recordings?
  • Would you like your tone to be more consistently beautiful?
  • Would you like to have access to quick solutions when you get frustrated with your music?
  • Would you like to stop wasting time practising, but not improving?
  • Would you like to feel more confident playing in front of others?
  • Would you like to have a solid sense of rhythm that feels easy and natural?
  • Would you like your fingers to move more easily and comfortably (and quickly) on the clarinet?
  • Would you like to know that you are working on the things that will actually help you improve (rather than continue to "improve" bad habits)?
  • Would you like to be able to sight-read and learn new music more quickly?
  • Do you have a dream of how you want to sound, but you don't know how to get there?

Imagine if you had a Clarinet Transformation Machine, like the one in the video above that could transform your clarinet challenges, into clarinet solutions! I don't have a magical machine for you, but I do have the next best thing...

If You Want To Transform Your Clarinet Playing In The Shortest Time Possible, Join the Personal Clarinet Transformation Program

This 6-month program gives you extensive private training with Michelle, and all of the resources you need to make a significant improvement to your clarinet playing, and your enjoyment of your clarinet, during the next year. Ideally, we will schedule this between January and June of 2024, but if you have need to postpone parts of it, we can extend it to later into 2024.

This is most powerful way to transform your clarinet playing in the shortest time possible so that you sound better, feel better, and have someone to personally guide you through any challenges that you have along the way.


What you get in the 6-Month Personal Clarinet Transformation Program:

1.  10 One-on-One Clarinet Transformation Coaching Sessions with Michelle Anderson, Founder of Clarinet Mentors (value $1500)

These will be 45-minute, individual online sessions where Michelle will give you the tools and resources to go from how you play now, to a much higher level of clarinet skill and confidence. Each of these Zoom lessons will be recorded either on your own computer, or uploaded with an unlisted  video link for your reference. Each lesson will have a focus, and you will receive “homework” between lessons to help you achieve your Clarinet Dream Goals. (This amounts to a personal lesson about every 2.5 weeks. However, there is scheduling flexibility if you have a holiday, or if you need to cluster a couple of lessons closer together during this program.)

2. Your Own 6-Month Personal Clarinet Transformation "Ask Michelle Anything" Interactive Video Link (value $600)

Michelle will give you a very easy to use link that allows you to ask any question via video, text or voice message. She will give you priority response, usually within 24 hours. You can play your clarinet for feedback between lessons, or ask for any clarification on your homework. Occasionally, Michelle may assign brief homework for you to make a short video between lessons.

3. Access to two Clarinet Mentors online Training Courses that best support your clarinet goals (value up to $400)

To further support your Personal Clarinet Transformation, you will be granted access to some self-study Clarinet Mentors online courses which can include two of the following: Better Clarinet Tone, Better Clarinet Articulation, Faster Clarinet Fingers, Mastering Clarinet High Notes, The Healthy Clarinetist, Clarinet Is Easy, The Easy Rhythm Method, or 12 months of the Mastering Clarinet Music Club.

Total Value of the Personal Clarinet Transformation Program = $2,500 USD

Your Tuition (if you are one of the eight participants selected)  $1500 USD

How To Apply For Your Personal Clarinet Transformation Program

If you are interested in this program, please click on the blue button just underneath the video above to fill out an application form. Michelle will then set up a short online meeting with you for us to discuss the program in more detail to discover if it is a good fit. If there is still space available, your meeting (Discovery Session) should happen within the next 3 - 5 days.

"(In a note to Michelle...) I am 64 and last year early September I had a chance to buy an old Selmer Clarinet (never touched one before) from an American lady who lives round the corner in my small village in The Netherlands. I started out on my own but it isn’t until recently when I came across your video lessons that I really started getting somewhere. That was about a month ago. Thanks to your help I have much better tone, better pitch, less sqeaks. You have great insight in the cause of many Clarinet problems and clear and adequate solutions for them. Everything is well explained in the videos. Most of the time immediately after watching I pick up the Clarinet and everything works better already. And you are so right in saying:"Don’t say to yourself 'I don’t have the talent for it'." Instead say:" I just don’t know how to do it yet." It’s a great help if someone explains it well!"

John Colman

"Hi. I am a retiree living in the UK who picked up the clarinet about 7 or 8 years ago, just after I retired, & had little or no knowledge of music theory or how to play the clarinet. Just wanted to play a few tunes. Having put in a reasonable amount of time & effort over this period using the internet & my daughter's old beginners music books, I found, to my frustration, that I was putting in the miles but still struggling. I found myself playing the same old familiar things & still having all the usual beginner clarinet players issues. Joined the program about a year ago & have learnt so much. Michelle & her team have provided me with a solid practice & techniques platform which has helped me enormously. While I am never going to be a performer I now have the confidence to try new music & make, to my ears anyway, a reasonably satisfactory sound, my wife's stopped complaining & she does make the occasional request! Fewer squeaks, the odd miss fingering perhaps & maybe a bit slow, but hey ho it's still work in progress. To that end the Community is providing me with so much information, motivation & encouragement. Thank you to the Community & of course to Michelle & her team."


"In my late 50s, after decades of desire, I finally decided to start learning to play the clarinet. I soon experienced issues and needed help. I searched the internet and encountered Michelle Anderson's clarinet lesson and community website. It became apparent very quickly that she was a top professional clarinetist who had a tremendous gift for teaching. Having many decades of experience in teaching students, she knows how to explain and demonstrate principles effectively so the student can internalize them. She imparts the fundamentals and creates the foundation for good (lifelong) technique. I am continuing to experience an ongoing process of improvement in all dimensions of playing - tone, high notes, articulation, fingering, rhythm.... Her lessons opened my eyes to the vital importance of "fast air" to make good sound. She showed me how to achieve a good embouchure. She answered many of my nagging questions such as why I was "getting squeaks" and why at times it seemed "difficult to blow". I even found answers to questions concerning reeds and mouthpieces. Finally, and maybe most importantly, I find her lessons highly enjoyable and I look forward to future sessions with her. "

Laurie Balagurchik MD FACP CAPT, MC, USN (Retired) (30 years US Navy)

50% Complete

Yes, I am interested in being one of 6 people to qualify for Michelle's VIP Personal Clarinet Academy!   Fill out the application below to get started.