Day 2 - Blow It! How Better Air Creates Better Tone On Clarinet

Players of almost every level can continue to improve their air support, which is key to creating a more beautiful, flowing sound on the clarinet. Learn three technics that you can try daily to consistently improve your clarinet tone this week.


Enjoy today's session where Michelle shares one of the most profound air support exercises that you can do to improve your tone.


Tune in tomorrow for Day 3 - Clarinet Embouchure - What Should You Do With Your Mouth?

(Originally broadcast live July 2018)

Training 3: Day 3 - Clarinet Embouchure - What Should You Do With Your Mouth?

Training 4: Day 4 - Finally! You Can Blame Your Equipment...

Training 5: Day 5 - What Is The Beautiful Clarinet Sound That You Want To Make? How Do You Get There?

Bonus Q & A Session Bonus: Day 6 - Your Clarinet Questions Answered

What Works Best For You To Produce Good Clarinet Tone?


50% Complete

Two Step

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